

And so it Begins... My Predictions

I feel I should share some of my beliefs and predictions in order that readers can get a better idea of who I am and what I represent. This should give anyone who blesses me with your visit to my blog a better understanding of where I come from.

For the longest time I have had three predictions:

  1. There will be a president elected that is not a white Christian male.

  2. There will be a war fought on American soil.

  3. Democracy as we know it will be challenged to it fullest extent by a rise in power of the 1960's libertarian generation and the brain washing that will be instilled into our youth during their college educations.

For the longest time I had hoped that, we, as a nation could elect a president that signifies diversity in our society, well its finally happened. The problem(s) with electing Obama into office will only add fuel to the fire of what is to come with my last two predictions.

Let me explain.

With the successful election of one of the most left wing liberal democrat this country has ever seen; I foresee over the next four years a massive up-rise of civil unrest occurring within the borders of the United States. Since the election did favor the African American to be elected this will occur later than sooner. What I mean is if Obama didn't win the election there would have been massive occurrences of rioting with the liberal democrats claiming foul play in the election process. “No Way!” you say? Then why where the police departments, in some of the more predominately diversified cities, ordered to ensure that riot gear be at the ready in anticipation of the results of the election? Over kill or just cautious? I can't say I ever recall an election where rioting would have been a result from a presidential election results. I mean if the LA riots where spawned off a video tape of an African American getting beaten and then the LA court system judging white police officers not being guilty for it, then just imagine what would have occurred if Obama had not been elected.

Okay so he was elected, point is null and void now right? Not really. Now we have to deal with the liberal promises that where made by Obama. If he is to keep all his snake oil promises that he made during his campaigning it will destroy the fragile economy that America has been experiencing and inject a trend of socialism in this country. If America would just simply read up on history and trends that occur once radicalism is introduced they would see trends that point to such historical figures as Hitler. Its simple, bring down the people of a country to a point of self imploding on themselves, introduce a person that presents themselves or is considered a type of savior and have that person introduce radical changes and/or promises to obtain power.

As for my last two predictions only time will tell. In the very near future, it is my opinion that our great nation will once again go through some very needed course correction. I just hope that the American people are prepared to experience such a correction of course... I know I will have to be in order to protect my family.

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