

Emergency Alert System Nationwide Test |

At the Federal Communications Commission's June 9, 2011 Agenda meeting, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Chief Jamie Barnett, joined by representatives from FEMA and the National Weather Service, announced that the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) would take place at 2:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time) on November 9, 2011. The purpose of the test is to assess the reliability and effectiveness of the EAS as a public alert mechanism. EAS Participants currently participate in state-level monthly tests and local-level weekly tests, but no top-down review of the entire system has ever been undertaken. The Commission, along with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, will use the results of this nationwide test to assess the reliability and effectiveness of the EAS as a public alert mechanism, and will work together with EAS stakeholders to make improvements to the system as appropriate.

Official announcement on the website:


People I stand with


@RANGERP, I don't know who you are or where you are today but from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for serving your country and taking care of us under your watch. God bless your family and good fortunes. Come home safe to us.


I am a 53%-er

There has been an explosion of activity of people claiming to be the 53% of Americans that believe in personal freedoms and taking responsibility of their life in reaction to the Wall Street Protesters 99% theory.

Here is are some links to posts I have seen around the Internet:

So what about my story?

I am 41 years old and have been working since I was 14 yrs old. My first jobs were news paper deliveries and mowing lawns by pulling the push mower to different neighborhoods. I dropped out of high school at the age of 16 and had joined the US Army Reserves at the age of 17. I went to boot camp in the worst winter that Fort Sill, OK had seen in years, returned home and then joined the US Navy Active duty at 18 yrs old and went to Orlando, FL for a second round of boot camp. (Army was tougher, just saying...)

When I was 24 I left military and returned to the civilian work force as we like to call it in the military. I have done car sales, pest control, fiberglass work, marble work, worked on tug boats as a deckhand in the Louisiana Bayous. When I was 26 I had decided that I was tired of being away from the family and found a job with a local ISP called H&L Telecoms as Help Desk Support. It was here I started teaching myself how to create software and work with technologies that bring this wonderful Internet to your computers.

Since I have started working in the IT industry I have worked with such companies as IBM, ATT, Cingular, Bell South, Bank of America and a select group of students from MIT. Currently I work for a company called BPM Specialists that are sub-contractors with SunTrust Bank.

Any other details about me my family knows and that is where I will keep it.

I close with something I heard my dad say to mom when I was a child; "Even if I have to flip hamburgers, I will always have a job to take care of the family". I pray something I say to my children will impact them as much as what my dad words did for me.

God Bless


The Original Argument

Not only have I read the this book and did massive note taking but I have also bought the audio version of the book so I can listen to the context of the book while I work. If you are serious about understanding what our Forefather's intended with the creation and acceptance of the US Constitution then this book will give you incredible insight of the Forefather's "Why".