

Looking for Inspiration

I look mostly to God for inspiration, but there are times when we as people don’t see his inspiration when He shows it to us.  I look to history, current events or the people around me to find inspiration outside of God’s word in the Bible, because I believe that He teaches us by example most of the time.

Sometimes when I am feeling down and/or frustrated about something in my life, I like to visit a website called is a site filled with videos of people sharing their stories, feelings, beliefs and ideas.  We have to look for inspiration when it does not come looking for us.  This, at times, is the only way we can truly see God doing his handy work.

I encourage you that if you are looking for a three to five minute story to get your day started, a place I like to visit (I know there is more than this site) is the following: <- look to the left navigation and choose your word of the day.

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